Friday 24 March 2017

Disgrace the disgrace that want to disgrace your grace

You know, the word ‘disgrace’ is a noun, but also a verb. Though it is taken to its extreme a noun more than a verb. The noun could be a state of (shame) or someone, and the verb is the action of the noun (person). That is the way it is discussed below

In regards to this, people refer others this way, ‘You are such a disgrace’, when actually such people been referred to are no disgrace. But this is just to put them off from happiness. Only few see this coming and push it back to its origin. On the other hand, you see yourself being belittled by the some soul-killers and heart-breakers who call you disgrace.

If you understand the opening statement of this writing, you will notice that before someone call another a disgrace, he or she must have been a disgrace. So you don’t get lowered for being called names you know nothing about. Just understand that such people who try to lower your status (whether originally lowered or not), are themselves lowered. They are the disgrace personified.

All you have to do is to first see them before they see you. How? By disgracing them. How can you disgrace them? By responding to them with a great deal of silence. Don’t talk back at them while you are somewhere making the best out of what you got. 

The above statements should not just be seen as ‘disgrace’, but also other soul-killing statements that could sweep anyone off his feet. Many have got their vision and plans shattered because someone (a disgrace) from somewhere (disgrace) disgraced them and they got automatically disgraced. Why? Don’t ever think any disgrace can just walk up to you and disgrace you with another disgrace. It could come inform of personal challenges, friends and foes – whosoever. Don’t get lowered.       

You made a mistake and someone tried to or disgraced you, and you gave in to it? That’s another mistake you’ve made. If you make any mistake, be sorry, apologize for it, be sincere with your remorseful realization and pray not to go back to such things; that’s the payment for mistakes (which are truly mistakes that are not beyond what the topic suggests).
Bear it in mind that everyone on earth has made a mistake ever in his or her lifetime. So don’t get tossed or kicked by some disgraces that would want to disgrace you. And if you have already been disgraced, retrace your grace and dismantle the DIS in the GRACE so that you focus on your pace. Remain strong with your life fixed firm where you stand and never lose hope.

Don’t forget to be positive minded always…

I hope this helps.
Thanks for reading.     

Monday 6 March 2017



You know, there is something you probably don't know about yourself. You are two in appearance. One is the physical you, while the other is the reflective you (as your physical image reflects in the mirror). It works in such a way that the reflective you controls the physical you, and whatever decision taken by the latter affects the former. The latter deals with what goes in your mind and reflects through your action by the physical you. And this is to prove a point here.

If you always fail, it doesn’t mean you are a failure. If you always seem inferior, it doesn’t mean you are inferior, if you seem weak in all you do, it doesn’t mean you’re a weak person. It simply means that you have chosen to be like that in the reflective you, which controls your actions according to the decisions you make. And if only you can stand to your feet and speak to your reflection in the mirror, the physical you will hold you to be successful!

There is always a mystery about one speaking to himself, and many do not know this. You are the best thing that can happen to you, you are the best motivation to yourself and you have to understand that. Don’t let challenges kick you off the track, for they are what make you fit into the hard struggles to become great or greater. 

Imagine how pepper makes food taste good, even though it's hot. That's how challenges work in the life of everyone. No achievement without challenges; they are the lubricants that will enable you fit into the tight corners of greatness.     

Don’t be overwhelmed by the varieties of challenges you come across. Accept them and use them to your advantage. You see, always set your priority above your challenges, and go for the best. When you challenge your challenges, you get yourself at the forefront of overcoming the hard times that come your ways. 

Be positive in all you do. Don’t think you cannot do a thing or achieve it. Your greatness lies in your hands. Those who are great worked for it. And for those who want to be great, they must also work for it.

Let this little piece create a positive thought in you.

Ride on in what you do, don’t give up now, it’s too late.

All the best to you!